Friday, January 6, 2012

Annapurna Bace camp trek

 The Annapurna Base Camp Trek. Mt. Annapurna that rises 8091m is the 10th highest mountain in the world. The Annapurna region lies in the foothill of Mt. Annapurna in the North-central Nepal stretching along with Lamjung Himal from the Kali Gandaki in the west to the Marshyangdi in the east. The trek to Annapurna Base Camp passes through waterfalls, villages, farmlands, rhododendron forests, and vistas invigorates your soul. Since the trek starts from a mere height of around 800 meters the acclimatization process is gradual and you will reach to the high altitude of over 4, 000 meters. Also, you will pass through a diverse geographical and cultural variation with an amazing range of flora and fauna in between. We are sure that your heart will push you to start the trek - just imagine the company of highest mountains in the earth and the magnificence of the sunrise over the snow-capped Himalayas!

The Annapurna Base Camp trek, like others in the Annapurna region, takes off from the lake city of Pokhara. The actual walking begins from Naya Pul which can be reached after a short drive from Pokhara. While trekking along to Ghandruk, marvel at colorful orchids and clear views of the splendid high mountains including the two eight thousands - Mt. Annapurna (8091 m) and Mt. Dhaulagiri (8167m). At Ghandruk, enjoy the ethnic hospitality along with the cultural magnificence of Gurung Museum. Trekking further via MBC and we finally reach ABC. Return the same route passing through the Rhododendron forest that bloom with red flowers during the springtime, descend down to Birethanti, passing by waterfalls and few small villages and settlements. Walk to Naya Pul and then drive to Pokhara which announces the end of this marvelous trek.
        annapurna bace camp trek can done 11-13 days,depend on their walking speed.

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